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The Commander

The news site of University City High School

The Commander

The news site of University City High School

The Commander

Rodney Pascua, Sports Editor

   To push toward immigration reform, on September 5, the Trump Administration announced plans to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), a program that protects people who came to the United States illegally as children.

   In an article from the Time Magazine website, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, “I am here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama Administration is being rescinded” (

   According to the official website of the White House, DACA was not a permanent solution, and that Former US President Barack Obama admitted that it would only be temporary (

   The DACA program was formed through an executive order by Obama in 2012, according to the official Fox News site (

   The official website of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services says that DACA is a program that allows certain people who came to the US as children, and who meet several guidelines, to apply for deferred action (temporary legal presence) for two years (

   “We are no longer accepting initial or renewal requests for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We will consider DACA requests received from residents of the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico on a case-by-case basis,” says the official USCIS website (

   According to ABC News, under DACA, approximately 800,000 illegal immigrants who came to the United States as kids are protected from deportation (

   “To have a lawful system of immigration that serves the national interest, we cannot admit everyone who would like to come here,” said Sessions. “This does not mean they are bad people… It means we are properly enforcing our laws as Congress has passed them,” he added (

   In a letter to all staff members of the San Diego Unified School District, Superintendent Cindy Marten explained that despite the decision to terminate DACA, the school district will continue to protect every child’s right to a quality education.

   “In 1982, the US Supreme Court ruled that undocumented students have a constitutional right to a free education,” Marten wrote. “Federal law prohibits discrimination against undocumented students,” she added.

   “...the Department of Homeland Security has considered schools ‘off limits’ for immigration enforcement; and the district will continue to press them to maintain that policy,” said Marten.

    President Donald Trump stated, “Congress now has the opportunity to advance responsible immigration reform that puts American jobs and American security first.”

   According to Senior David Glukhov, it was a good decision to leave the fate of DACA in the hands of Congress because “ allows the representatives of the people to come up with an agreed-upon resolution for immigration.”

   Senior Juan Leyva said, “I like DACA as a program, but I think it’s good that Trump made the decision to leave it up to Congress to replace it. It was unlawful for Obama to pass immigration policy via an executive order.”

   “I disagree with the decision to terminate DACA because a lot of its recipients have been here for most of their lives, and they don’t know any other country as home,” said Senior Ryan Mccullough. He also explained that it would be bad for the US’ economy to let go so many skilled workers.

   Trump tweeted, “For all of those that are concerned about your status during the six month period, you have nothing to worry about -- No action!” In another tweet, Trump added, “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own -- brought in by parents at young age” (

   On a Facebook post, Obama said, “To target these young people is wrong – because they have done nothing wrong. And it is cruel” (

All content by Rodney Pascua