This year, UC High’s Girls Soccer Team has high hopes of making a CIF run this season and bringing home a championship win, and with their perfect combination of skilled players and heart for the sport, their hopes are within their reach.
UC High’s Coach Jason Donlon said, “We have a family-like culture within the program. The girls care for one another and look out for each other, and that shows on the field of play. Positive energy, hard work, and commitment to the process are what fuels any success we achieve.” “UC High’s Girls soccer community is very positive and strong while being very hardworking and serious,” said Sophomore Romiina Rodriguez.
The program’s success this season has not sprouted from nowhere. Rodriguez said, “The effort and energy every individual brings is what fuels our team’s success. Our coach, Jason Donlon, also takes a big lead in our team’s success. He is able to motivate us while also disciplining us at practice so that we can stay humble and perform to the best of our abilities.” Each coach has their own favorite aspects of their job, and Donlon mentioned, “Taking weight off the kids the best I can is the highlight of my coaching job.”
“We have a lot of upperclassmen on the team who have been on the team for two or more years now which really helps with helping grow our bond as well as making sure everyone feels comfortable,” said Junior Hayden Goldstein.
“Advice for younger players is to always be ready to take on new positions and new challenges that you might not be comfortable with, because your time could really be at any moment, anywhere,” said Goldstein.
Although the team’s chemistry makes their performance look seamless and nothing more than fun and games, this is far from the truth. “When it comes time to step on the pitch, everything is serious, because we all have a desire to come out on top,” said Rodriguez. “We always have our pre-practice and pre-game talks while we are stretching which helps to grow our team bond and chemistry as well,” said Goldstein.
“I believe that with everyone’s commitment, effort, and desire, we can accomplish anything we as a team set our minds to,” said Rodriguez.
Adversities come with every season, but this year, injuries are especially prevalent. “We have been dealing with so many injuries, the most I’ve ever encountered as a coach,” said Donlon. This year, our biggest challenge is injuries. We have already had two key players that are out for the whole season. We haven’t overcome this challenge completely because injuries can happen at any time, but right now our coach is always bringing in new players and people are taking on new positions to make sure we are still able to compete,” said Goldstein.
High school soccer can be viewed as a step toward club soccer or college soccer, at least from a coach’s perspective. “High school should not be the pinnacle of your soccer career, only a stepping stone in your journey, so enjoy it the best you can,” said Donlon. The coach’s mindset is not only believed by himself but by the players as well. “When I start the club season, I will be able to use everything I have learned from Coach Jason and take it onto the field to make an impact,” said Rodriguez.