Why You Should Feel the Bern


Camille Cudaback, Opinions Writer

Would you like to be able to buy marijuana legally once you turn 18? Or how about affordable college tuition? Or are you in favor of income equality? How about a cleaner environment or more efficient energy usage?  These are just a few of Senator Bernie Sanders goals he wants to accomplish during his presidency if he is nominated and wins. As a young UC High adolescent reading this, it is important for you to know about the candidates who can help you, and Sanders is definitely the man for you.

  For starters, one of Sanders’ main issues that he wants to combat is the conflict about rising college tuition. According to  Sanders’ official website, “In a highly competitive global economy, we need the best-educated workforce in the world. It is insane and counter-productive to the best interests of our country and our future, that hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college, and that millions of others leave school with a mountain of debt that follows them for decades.” The issue of affordable college tuition is not only one that students will have to deal with, but also parents who will need to fund a future college student (berniersanders.com).

  In addition, Sanders has been consistent with a majority of his views in comparison to other candidates (cough cough Hillary Clinton). According to the Huffington Post, Sanders has always been against the keystone pipeline; however, Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton was once a supporter of  this pipeline and now refuses to answer any questions regarding the topic. Similarly, Sanders has always believed in gay marriage, whereas Clinton opposed gay marriage until 2013 when she decided she now believes in gay marriage (huffingtonpost.com).

  Senior Jade Cabrera said, “Bernie has been consistent with his views throughout his whole political career; whether it be citywide, statewide or nationwide, as senator and now as a presidential candidate. Whereas Hillary has been very inconsistent.” Sanders consistency towards issues is one of the many reason why he should be moving into the White House next January.

  Sanders is also very concerned about the pressing matters of climate change. Climate change is becoming an important issue among many people involved in politics; however, Sanders is making it a prominent issue in his campaign. Sanders stated, “The scientists are virtually unanimous that climate change is real, is caused by human activity and is already causing devastating problems in the United States and around the world. And, they tell us, if we do not act boldly the situation will only become much worse in years to come in terms of drought, floods, extreme storms and acidification of the oceans.” Sanders’ passion and the passion of those working under him on the issues of climate change will ultimately lead to a healthier Earth.

  So whether you are conservative or liberal, young or old, Sanders is combatting issues that affect a large number of Americans. Sanders believes in many great things, and unlike other candidates, he is consistent in his views. And if you have any other doubts, just ask yourself: “Who doesn’t love an old, Brooklyn, good-spirited man who goes by the name Bernie?”