UC High Environmental Clubs Strive to Achieve Sustainability

Michael Parades

Students in Go Green Club and Sustainability Club regularly engage in collecting trash around UC High.

Judy Scott, Sports Editor

   Multiple clubs on campus are dedicated to improving UC High’s sustainability, aiming to make the school a more environmentally friendly place this school year and, in particular, as Earth Day nears.

   “To celebrate Earth Day [April 22] we are having a beach clean-up at Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach,” said Go Green Club President Junior Allison Turley.

   Furthermore, “Saturday school credit can be obtained when students take a bus from the school to the beach to participate in the cleanup,” said Turley.

   There are many actions that can contribute to helping the environment. “Trying to reduce single-use plastics is a great start; little changes can make a big difference,” said BioMed Teacher Leslie Wymer, who is the advisor of Go Green Club.

   “Go Green Club is helping the school become a more environmentally friendly place by planting over 100 saplings on campus in May, offsetting about 25 percent of the school’s carbon emissions,” said Turley.

   The club is working with Tree-plenish, “…a non profit organization striving to build community by leveraging the power of youth,” as per the establishment’s website (tree-plenish.org). “Recently we have been working on the plans for our Plant-A-Thon event where we will plant 150 trees on campus,” said Turley.

   Sustainability Club is combating UC High’s waste production with education and initiative on proper recycling techniques. Club Co-President Senior Cassidy White said, “We are also getting more recycling bins on campus so students can recycle their items. We’ve made videos about recycling and how to recycle properly, and we also do presentations about climate issues for our club.”

   “Our goal is mainly just to introduce sustainability and integrate it into our everyday lives, because a lot of people want to be sustainable but they don’t know where to start. We teach how to recycle properly and how to switch out single-use plastics. Instead of using a plastic bag, maybe use a paper bag that you can compost or a reusable one which you can use over and over,” said White.

     “We are looking into getting more native plants to plant in the garden and teach people the importance of native plants. It’s sustainable to plant native, reducing erosion and helping to combat carbon emissions,” said White.

   Most of Sustainability Club’s events take place in Rose Canyon. “We do volunteer events where we get to work in the canyons. We do restoration events, we’ve planted oak trees and other native plants. That helps our canyons which we live on… we’re helping to reforest it which helps everybody. It reduces carbon emissions, while adding greenery and habitat for wildlife,” said White.

   Back in March, both clubs hosted a shared event to help clean up the campus and surrounding area. “We hosted a Saturday school event on March 4 where we had a big cleanup at UC High. We cleaned up all the trash and we worked in the garden, did weeding, as well as other things to beautify the campus,” said White.

   Both clubs meet on Mondays at lunch, Sustainability Club in room 441 and Go Green Club in room 444.