Inside the UC High Anti Defamation League

Jeremy Kim, Staff Writer

   The UC High Anti-Defamation League [ADL] aims to secure justice and equal treatment for all by organizing events and promoting tolerance.

   According to ADL Advisor Samantha Cruz, “ADL is a nationwide organization that aims ‘To stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.’ At UC High, our ADL Club attends training, reviews curriculum, hosts weekly discussions, and leads peer training. Our goal is to make our school environment more positive, inclusive, tolerant and less biased.”

   Cruz also said, “Students participate in weekly meetings where we discuss a wide-variety of relevant topics, including current events. Students are currently developing monthly open discussion forums on predetermined topics. Students participate in ADL trainings as well.” She added that as the advisor, it is her job to be the facilitator and encourage students to freely speak their minds.

   Cruz explained what is unique about ADL: “Our club is special because we are willing and able to have tough, authentic and truthful conversations about large societal issues. Student voice needs a space to speak and needs to be celebrated. We are proud to provide that.”

   Senior ADL President Kilee Horner believes that now that everything is online, their group has strengthened. She also added, “It’s easier for us to meet and connect with one another via Zoom. It’s also easy to hold discussions on Zoom and to provide a safe space for one another when we are feeling down.”

   The adviser, president, and members all have different roles. Senior Rafer Shaugnessy said, “As a member of ADL, I have a responsibility to speak out against discrimination and hatred. Everyone in the club is prepared to fight for others’ rights and well beings. In meetings, I have a duty to share how I feel about subjects that I may not feel comfortable with, but are necessary to share to achieve change in society.”

   Horner said that as the president, it is her duty to communicate with the advisor and other club members to plan and host meetings.

“As a member of ADL, I have a responsibility to speak out against discrimination and hatred. Everyone in the club is prepared to fight for others’ rights and well beings.

— Rafer Shaugnessy