Top Ten Cool College Classes

Kennedy Wilson, Editor-in-Chief

   We all dream of it: taking a course that is more than just numbers or words in a book and doing something in a classroom that actually interests us! From the craziest classes (they’re teaching what!) to the most intriguing ones and the rare few that somehow manage to be both, here are the top classes on the registration wish list that really exist across the globe.

10. The Sociology of Miley- We all are wondering it, right?  What makes the used-to-be Hannah Montana child star the way she is. We can speculate about a lot of things, or just sit in on the class at Skidmore College.  I wonder if her father has…? (

9. The Art of Walking- At Centre College, you can learn how to walk the right path… Well, at least the one scheduled for that day (

8.  Stupidity- Oh, come on, we’ve all wanted to know how people “could be so stupid,” and now at Occidental College, you can! (

7. The Hunger Games: Class, Politics and Marketing- At American University, our capital is the site for lessons about the Capitol. Which is a little too fitting; don’t you think? (

6. Fetish Appeal: Desire and Consumption- At York University, you can learn about passions from Ailurophile to Xylophilia. I would love to understand what some of them are… but only some. Just count me out for a vocabulary quiz! (

5. The Art of Seeing- McMaster University offers a course where you can look at art in a museum and by identifying the various shapes in it, help save patients’ lives one day… I’m not saying I understand it, but I’m totally interested in how it works (

4. Cow to Cone- At Penn State, you can learn just what it takes to get that delicious ice cream from the cow to your cone. On second thought, maybe we don’t want to know (

3. Apocalyptic Science Fiction- Just think, you could be the one yelling at your friend to run as you fight off oncoming zombies, and you’ve totally got this because you took a class on it a few semesters ago at York University (

2. What if Harry Potter is Real?- But the real question, does this class at Appalachian State University come with a secret trip to Hogwarts? What do you mean, Hogwarts doesn’t exist? I’m pretty sure the conspiracies are true. Can Actor Daniel Radcliffe come and visit at least? (

1. Medicinal and Hallucinogenic Plants- Let’s play a game; who’s here to ask some questions based on personal experiences? At University of Manitoba, you can learn everything you want to know about what makes you trip, which could be an extremely useful thing — maybe even a little too useful (